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Showing posts from 2024

🀞On track to hitting $950k networth by end 2024🀞

Another blink, another year ending soon. How have you guys been? I wonder who else is still monitoring my blog despite my lack of updates. Again, so much has happened, but not much have changed. I travelled well, continued with a 3rd round of IVF egg retrieval (result was extremely poor), and went through uncertainty at work due to restructuring but was thankfully able to keep my job. I still haven't fulfil my dream of being a mother. Though honestly, it now feels more like a checkbox to be unchecked than the actual fulfilment of wanting to nurture and grow a child. I think the weariness is getting too much. I will embark on my final transfer within these few months. This would be my 7th transfer. If it fails, I'm likely going to stop further treatments. I have already done the best at my "peak".  I am telling myself that my life is still amazing despite these hiccups. Anyway, onto my financial goals. Back on 31 Dec 2024, I posted my goal to achieve $950k networth by

Cashing partial BTC out at 50%+ profit

My first foray into crypto was during the hype. Back in Feb 2021 During Feb 2021 to Jun 2022, I added in bit by bit - DCA as what they say. BTC, ETH, MATIC, SOL and even the horror LUNA. Thereafter, as crypto crashed, I stopped, praying one day it will rise back. And today, as I found that BTC is now at ATH, I decided to cash out 1/4 of my BTC for some profits. It's still a far cry from the amount I've lost, but I'm glad I could recoup some losses. Just to detail for my future reference, I transferred my BTC from ledger to coinbase. And sold my BTC on coinbase to SGD, incurring an atrocious fee of $130 and GST of $12. Gone are the days of cheap transaction fees.  Please let me know if there are wiser/cost effective options. In total, what I took back was a profit of 50%.  May BTC rise up more so I can cash out at 100% profit next. -dated 9 Mar 2024-

Year of the Dragon - believing things will be better

Happy Lunar New Year! How has everyone spent their lunar new year?  On the first day of LNY, I woke up early to catch the sunrise, soaked in the sunlight and prayed for a good year. This LNY has been rather peaceful for me, as with the past few years - I was done with visiting on the first day, works well for my introverted personality. I confess I'm not an approachable aunt - I don't actively reach out to the younger relatives - I have no clue what to say; small talks are just not for me. So far, the start of the dragon year has got me checking off a few superstitious acts, just to make myself feel better for the new year. As I mentioned in my previous blog posts , my job is getting shaky again. I have no clue if my role will be affected, neither do I have inertia to find a new role; there's too many companies that I feel uneasy heading to.  Next, I thought I'd be celebrating the new year with a pregnancy. Alas, my fifth ivf transfer failed. It's draining my energy

Anxiety, self doubts and counselling sessions

 2 weeks into 2024. Crazy. Crazy that time flies, and how the first two weeks of this year were marred with negative news - earthquake in Japan, plane crash, tuberculosis cluster, layoffs... On a personal front, negativity hits again. First week of the year set out ok, I was hyping myself up - new year, new thoughts - good thoughts only. The second week got me back to old thinking. Anxiety and self doubts are creeping in again. I previously mentioned in my  end 2023 review post  that company is undergoing restructuring and my job security is unknown. Closing in to my mid 30s (to think I started this blog in my mid 20s) is scary. I didn't feel like I've grown. As much as my networth increased from  $200k in 2016  to  $819k in 2023 , I surely didn't feel that I've grown  better. As I age, I feel more depressed.  I don't know what I am living for.  For now, work is a key part of my life. And work thoughts consumed most of my time. The current outlook in my company, com

2024 1st CPF top up to MA

  Earlier in my post , I mentioned that I will be topping up $2k+. Silly me. That was before the MA interest gets rolled out. Today, I made a top up of $3,000 via paynow. This is because my company contributions usually come in on 7th or 8th of the month.  Now that this is out of the way, I will have $5,000 more throughout the year to top up. Will ponder about this later. Till then :)

Starting 2024 with extra $11,291.01

This always boost up my mood every start of the year πŸ˜Š My beloved CPF interests. This time, I crossed 5 digits interest, clocking in $11,291.01 for 2023. Back last year, I was receiving $9k+ interest. I will be topping up  $2,085.62  max out my MA and for tax relief purposes. I didnt hit BHS as at 31 Dec 2023 as my MA was deducted for my surgery.  -- Last night, I slept early and didn't do countdown. My hubby lie on the bed with me a while and hugged me. He wished that in 2024, I will be happier and able to achieve my goals, whatever that may be. He said he wished I will go back to my young happy self years ago, and the depressed me will go away. I cried. I recognised that I've become unhappy and unsettled easily, especially in the past few years.  I don't know if my younger me was really happy, but I do know as I grow older, negativity has been clouding me. He told me to cry out and let out my concerns. I wasn't able to articulate what's making me depressed. I ju