$5 Pap Smear Screening for the ladies

I've heard about the $5 screening offer from HPB last year but didn't bother. Until I came across articles on pap smear and cervical cancer and it got me thinking that I should perhaps do a test.....for $5. I initially thought that all I had to do was to show the clinic my IC and I'd be eligible for the $5 screening. Turns out, we need to present a letter for verification before we can enjoy the rate. I then checked out the HPB website and contacted their hotline to request for the screening letter. I vaguely recalled receiving it sometime back, but probably lost the letter 🤠The officer on the hotline told me that the letter generation will take 2 weeks. Oh gosh, another example of the slow service from government agencies. I told them to expedite as I want to have the scan soon. No promises, they said. And I wondered, how many procedures backend would it take for them to "approve" my letter? 🤔 Shouldn't such letters be built inside the h...