The start after a break

It's 1 Nov tomorrow. After a decent break from work, it's back to the grind. During my break, I had various thoughts: A) Quit this job - because I don't know what I'm learning - there's always so much shit to clear up and my bosses cannot lead - too much things on my plate and the bosses will always say they are giving me exposure - don't wish to stay till promotion because it could be at least 2 more years (that's a long time) - bosses don't communicate and don't give proper directions, leading to wastage of efforts and resources B) Stay because - my bosses like/trust me and my performance bonuses show - I should wait for my promotion -the economy is bad and I should stay till I get my increment which would at least be $300+ - everywhere else sucks, as said by everyone. Worst still, if I go into a company full of petty, competitive b* who play politics, I'll probably cry my way home. At the end of it, I chose to stay put. At...