Being low maintenance helps in saving $

I am a self-proclaimed low maintenance lady and I attribute this lifestyle and my personality of wanting to make my money worth (most of the times), to why I manage to save $100k at 25.

I love browsing through famous instagramers' feed - from their immaculate makeup, fashionable outfits, to their pretty manicures. But, I've never bear to splash cash to be like them. I'd rather have spend my money on food than makeup, and nice clothes that doesn't cost a bomb.

Here's how I keep a low maintenance lifestyle:

1) I don't do makeup

Must self-praise that I've genetically nice skin. I seldom have acne breakouts, and have no freckles. My only concern are those pores and blackheads on my nose, but well, nobody will look at me with a magnifying glass. I guess genetics play a part, but I've also refrain from using makeup loaded with harmful chemicals. Do you know that I know nothing about makeup? Test me with the names of makeup brands and new makeup products. Heck, I don't even know how to differentiate BB or CC cream. The makeups that I have are freebies. I only started to wear sunscreen this year (bad bad, don't be like me), and dab a bit of blushers on my cheeks (cause I need the flush on my pale skin). This factor alone saves me lots of money from not chasing for the latest, newest, makeup products. Honestly, without instagram, I wouldn't know a whole lot of those makeup vocabularies. #doesntmattertome

2) My skincare regime is CHEAP

Thank God I've good skin. I know of a friend who has sensitive skin and can only use expensive products which doesn't irritates or causes breakout. Let me tell you what I use on a daily basis:

Coconut Oil as makeup/sunscreen remover - est $18.90. I've only started using this earlier this year, and this big tub is probably going to last me for another year. I pour a bit onto a small container and store it in the fridge. It'll turn into this soap like texture. Take it out everytime you want to use it, and lather the oil like a soap. Wipe it on your face, massage and tadahhh. 
I'll then follow on with my Eversoft facial cleanser - est $4.40. I use whatever my dad buys home and we've been using this for some time. Does a decent job for me as it makes me feel like I've cleansed my face or maybe I'm just not particular about my cleanser. Btw, our facial cleanser never costs more than $10.

Occasionally, I'll put on alchol-free toner and moisturiser. Currently, I'm using the Thayers Toner (est $13.90) and Laneige Water Sleeping Pack (est. $30+). You can buy these when there are discounts!

I'm learning to take note of what I'm applying on my face, so be sure to read the ingredients and educate yourself. Read my article on how to take small steps to protecting your health!

3) I'm not hiao

I don't need to own branded bags - although I did consider buying Chanel with my bonuses because I read that they are an INVESTMENT. But in the end, I just couldn't bear forking out $5k++ hahahah. I find the usual LV, Chanel and Balenciaga bags too luxurious for me. If I buy these, I'll probably put them on a chair and I'll sit on the floor. Probably not kidding.

I used to want to impress people la. I honestly judge people whether they're rich (or come from rich families) if they deck in branded stuffs, oops. Sometimes, I have this tinge of envy that they're rich enough to buy these branded stuffs. But after a while, I just can't be bothered to impress people while carrying branded stuffs. I'm not that kind of girl anyway. I think it's better to be rich in my pockets.

Also, I don't spend on expensive hair-dos, or manicures. I do these only when I've important events or dinners to attend. Even then, nobody bothers about how I look or what my nails look like! I cut my hair at a salon for $3.90 and this is proudly sponsored by my fiance hahaha, told you I leech a lot of money off him. And, I'll do my manicures only in JB, which I now find it a waste of money too. Well, perspectives change.

I think those ettiquettes instructors will tsk me at what I'm saying haha

4) I buy clothes during discount & they are usually below $20/piece

There was a time where I kept using my SC Singpost credit card for online rebates on Zalora :X But even then, I make sure I trawl through discount sites for codes and make use of shopback (btw, sign up with my referral link to get $10 bonus!). I love the filters function at Zalora, where I can shortlist clothing that are less than $20. Also, their fuss-free return policy is awesome for my smaller than average size! Anyway, the budget of my clothing are as follows:
- Dresses - usually $20 below. If really superrrr nice, then maximum $30 lor
- Tops - usually $15 below
I was so happy to find 2 blogshop-like dresses at JB, for just SGD$10 per piece. That was during their discount la. Cheap thrill.

Nowadays, I seldom buy clothes as I've more than enough to last me. Actually, my mom has nagged at me for buying too many cheap clothes that I didn't wear. I think she exaggerates but er, okay, perhaps you should learn from my lesson.

>Side note, I've come to realised that it's important to invest in GOOD SHOES. I used to spend $10 or $15 on cheap flats and they are lying in my shoes cabinet unworn, because they hurt like hell. I guess, we do change as we grow older. Now, I'll invest in a $60+ comfortable shoes that I can wear everyday. But, my clothes budget remain the same.

5) I rarely have cravings

I think I am very disciplined lifestyle and have self-control. Every time I dine with my friends and fiance, they'll exclaim "I want to drink gongcha", "I want to drink KOI", "I want to eat snacks" or, "I've cravings for this". And, they'll also succumb to their temptations. Strangely, I rarely have cravings. I don't understand why I have to buy bubbletea everytime I walk past KOI or Gongcha (my fiance loves to tell me this). It's only with them, that I realise I'm different. Or, they like to call me weird for not having cravings of sweet stuffs.

Maybe, I just find them a waste of money when I can drink plain water. To me, these frequent purchases of bbt, drinks, snacks, and tidbits adds up. Compared to these "normal" people, I guess I save some $ on this aspect.

6) I don't sleep with aircon

I agree that your upbringing shapes how you spend or save money. I grew up in a simple household and the only aircon we have, is in my parents' room. I grew up without aircon and although I used to complain back when I was in school (sometimes Singapore very hot leh), I realised the older I get, the more I can't stand the cold! So, it's good that we don't sleep with aircon every night thus saving quite a lot of money on electrical bills. Now here's the problem. My fiance ons his aircon incessantly, and he said he wants to install aircons in ALL ROOMS, including the living room. I disagree at the start, but now finds his point that the costs of installing all aircons in the house is cheaper at the start than when I want to install it later. What do you think? Any advice?

Anyway, I told my fiance that I will not be able to sleep everyday with aircon on. We'll see when we have a house to live in. Hmm...

7) I'm a minimalist and my desk shows it

You know how some colleagues in office have a hell lot of stuffs on their tables? From personal lamps, to fragrances, to humidifier, to purifier and all sorts of ling ling long long. For confidentiality sake, I can't show you my desk, but there are only a few things on my desk - laptop, monitor, pens and documents. No idea why some of my colleagues find the above purchases a need. Of course, their reasons are to motivate themselves and make them happier at work la, and I think if it works for them, that's good. But, luckily, I dont need these to make me feel happy at work. Just don't stress me with unnecessary and inefficient tasks can already. I prefer going home on time to stay motivated :)

What I'm trying to say is that, I don't need a lot of things to function in my life. I disapproves everytime my fiance tells me he wants to get the latest macbook pro, apple watch, or some random IT stuffs. Of course, it is his money and he may buy anything he wants, but I'll always question him if he really need those things so he reconsiders purchasing. Glad to say, he has not bought those things, although he does grumbles about it. HAHA.

I guess a tip I can share is to give yourself a week to decide if you really need the item you wish to buy. I always used wallets that cost less than $50 and when my recent one turned so torn and tattered, I was eyeing a leather wallet that cost hundreds. It took me 1 month and countless physical touches at various dept stores (LOL), and checking out discounts online, before I purchased it. I just want to spend my money wisely and it's good that I've not regretted my purchase :)


  1. Glad to know that I am not the weird one

  2. I am also on low cost. It is nice to know i can afford to buy yet i chose not to buy

  3. Very admirable of you :) I guess as you get older, you realise what are the things that really matter!


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