Crossroad: Take up new job, or plan for motherhood?

I've been with my current company for close to 3 years. I wasn't happy because it felt toxic. Colleagues are not kind, but I also reckon I'm not here to make friends. I've been telling myself - my main aim is just to bring home the dough. Since late last year, I've been applying for roles as and when I see suitable ones. I won't say I'm actively looking since I'm not dying to leave my current workplace. Anyway, I decided to refresh my memories on my job hunts previously. It was nice to read back my thoughts over the years: - Back in 2016, I was fretting over a job interview. I still remembered I was peeved with the hiring manager who could not conduct the interview properly. Maybe I should have flag them to TAFEP. - 2018 was the year I actively search for a new job. Interestingly, I got a role pretty quickly and accepted the role in the end. Bade adieu to my old workplace and joined the new organisation. Didn't have a smooth st...