The $10 bet

Having dated my partner for 4 years and knowing that he's the one I want to spend the rest of my life with, the natural step is to purchase a flat together. I thought purchasing a flat was going to be easy and smooth - apply and you'll get it. Haha, I probably thought I was very lucky. But I was so wrong. It's all about the timing and luck - whether there are estates you like and whether you'll get a unit based on your ballot number. I've applied for 2 rounds of BTO since 2015 but were unsuccessful because they were mature estates. Location is very important to me. So does the thousands who think so. Honestly, getting a flat now would feel like striking lottery. And, I've only won $10 from TOTO once. So in the latest round of BTO/SOBF, I've made my 3rd try and submitted my $10 bet. It's a gamble, isn't it? This time, I've applied for a SOBF near my estate. The units that I want are less than 15, and my area is HOT, but I hope that I...