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Budget Tracking: Apr 2016

Another month. Again?

April zoomed by so quickly that I couldn't remember much that happened. Luckily, I take note of my expenses giving me an inkling of what I did/spent on.

My expenses in Apr were as follows:

Fixed expenses: $525

Variable expenses: $1,355.07
  • Food - $260.82
    • Had 5 western food this month such as Astons, Tender Chicken, Texas Chicken
    • Treated my family to korean food @ Masizzim via my groupon voucher - not fantastic, but something special for my folks but I reckon they prefer Chinese food more :P btw, even with my $50 voucher, I had to top up $43 more *gasps*...nvm, once in a while indulgence. I really think we can eat more at the same price at tze char stall haha!
    • A treat for my fiance at Tsukada Nojo for their famed bijin nabe aka collagen soup. My 2nd trip here and am still loving the soup. I'm a soup lover, what's more, their collagen soup is so thick....but I got quite a bit of sore throat after the meal. Also, the price is not cheap. $58.50 for 2. Again, once in a while la huh...
  • Shopping & Misc - $1,096.25
    • :O I spent so much this month?! 
    • A total of $692.50 on online shopping, inclusive of gift vouchers which I've not utilised. Actually wanted to clock over $600 for my Singpost CC but suay suay did not meet the statement cycle, so I did not receive my 7% rebate on online purchases! Angry about this, but also myself to blame for trying to clock this at the last minute. So take note, if you want to clock your rebates, rmb to clock it before your statement cycle as they calculate your minimum spendings via posting date! 
    • $150 for Batam Trip. Oh, how could I forget about my trip to Batam! Think we spent nearly all of $150 during our 1 day tour there. Probably should stay overnight as everything was done in a rush. It's pretty boring in Batam and things are getting expensive, but the massage there is still worthwhile to go for. Managed to stock up some toiletries there, but most of them were impulse buys :X so much for being a "budget girl"
    • NTUC Income Enhanced Renewal 
    • $34 for a 20kg luggage for my upcoming BKK trip. Didn't purchase extra luggage cause I thought it'll just be a eat-sleep trip. But, I feel that it's safer to spend $34 now, than spend $xxx for things that we subsequently wanna bring back!
    • The rest of the money was spent on a shirt for my dad, my dental, and some food from Fairprice
  • Transport/Ez-reload - -$2
    • Rolled over last month's balance for this month's transport. Have not topped up money yet.
    • Also, earned $2 from TravelSmartRewards. If you don't know, you can earn money just by taking transport! Sign up for an account and link your ezlink card (refer to your CAN number) to it. 

This month's expenditure is the highest so far in 2016. I believe my goal to get 7% cashback on my Singpost CC is a reason why :( Hope to spend much less next month. Shall control my spending as I've purchased quite a fair bit of stuffs in April!

Variable Earnings (not including salary): $166.25
  • OCBC 360 interests + sold something on Carousell
  • Singapore Saving Bonds interest of $24. Bought the Oct 2015 SBs at $5,000


  1. No worries about the online spending. I have missed out on the rebates before from the time delays between the transaction and posting dates as well as the different statement cycle and month end dates. It can be difficult to keep track!


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