Q1 review - Hitting $150k in cash savings
April. Rejoice! Last time this year, I blogged about how this is the most anticipated time of my work year. These few months, I was so busy that I even overlooked the news of my HDB ballot number. And when I heard about my promotion, I wasn't particularly excited. I was so mentally exhausted that I question, is this all worth it? But today, I'd like to remind myself. That this too shall pass. I'm still facing shit at work. I still feel incompetent and stress when I can't seem to get things done. I still can't sleep well some nights. But when I sat down and think about the decent bonus, promotion and the ~10% increment I received, I thought to myself, there are no free lunches in this world. At least, I was appreciated by my bosses. I look around my peers and some much older were bypassed for promotion. Even when things are tough, I must pull it through. Unless I win the $8 million TOTO today ;) Anyway, I had just ran through my finances and am pleased ...