Q1 review - Hitting $150k in cash savings

April. Rejoice!

Last time this year, I blogged about how this is the most anticipated time of my work year.

These few months, I was so busy that I even overlooked the news of my HDB ballot number. And when I heard about my promotion, I wasn't particularly excited. I was so mentally exhausted that I question, is this all worth it?

But today, I'd like to remind myself. That this too shall pass.

I'm still facing shit at work. I still feel incompetent and stress when I can't seem to get things done. I still can't sleep well some nights. But when I sat down and think about the decent bonus, promotion and the ~10% increment I received, I thought to myself, there are no free lunches in this world. At least, I was appreciated by my bosses. I look around my peers and some much older were bypassed for promotion. Even when things are tough, I must pull it through.

Unless I win the $8 million TOTO today ;)

Anyway, I had just ran through my finances and am pleased to see that I've crossed the $150k cash savings mark. Yes, I'm risk averse, cash rich and assets poor. I'm not strong in investing, so I build up my money mainly via simple savings. You can refer to my old post on my tips on how I save my money. If I can do it, so can you!

To me, having enough cash makes me secure. But I'm wondering if I have too much cash on hands and am not making the money work harder πŸ€” Then again, with my upcoming house and wedding, I'd probably hold the cash in my accounts for now.

Back to the daily grind tomorrow.



  1. Congrats to hitting another milestone in cash savings, Cherry!

    You do have some upcoming commitment which you do need the cash on hand readily available. I am sure you will have your ways to generate alternative income here =)

    1. Thanks for the support!❤️ Yea, saving money is sooo difficult but spending it is so effortless hahaha

  2. Hey cheer up, life isn't about working day worrying about finances =) the skies are blue and the trees are green! It's Friday! hang out with your bae and enjoy the day.

    1. Thanks for the positivity! 😁 I was really affected by work on Friday but after clearing some work today, I feel less stressed. Cheers to you!

  3. Hi,

    Congratulations on your promotion! I believe that this 150k cash savings will be very useful in due time. Similarly, I do believe that investment is not the only key to success!

    Taking a look at your goals from the side panel, it seems like privilege banking is coming soon. Real soon. Good luck and looking forward to learning more from you in your upcoming post :)

    1. That’s so observant of you! πŸ˜† thank you! Yup, my cash will drop by a lot once I get my house and do my Reno! I’ll probably have to restart my goal of hitting $100k πŸ˜›

  4. Hi Cherry

    Congrats on hitting a nice milestone. Your savings rate is amazing exponentially, I recall just reading about hitting $100k a few months ago and now you are breaking new high again :)

    Keep it up :)

    1. Thanks for the encouragement! ☺️ But....I actually hit $100k in Jul 2016 πŸ™Š my progress is pretty slowwww πŸ˜‚


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