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What the luck? DBS and OCBC banking tokens died!

What luck. My ibanking tokens went dead one after another. OCBC Token First was my OCBC token. It said "low battery", but I ignored it. And when I finally need to use it, it was dead. Granted that I could use SMS OTP, I had to make a big transfer to other banks and it was over the withdrawal limits. And to do that, I needed the ibanking token. And serve me right for not activating the onetoken. In the end, I had to call in to OCBC call centre for a replacement. 7 working days, they said. What a long wait. In the midst of it, I needed to make my interbank transfers. I even went down to OCBC bank and explored a stupid manual way i.e to withdraw cash and deposit into the other bank. But the moment they told me they ran out of big notes, I got scared. While waiting for the token to arrive, I figured I could actually do transfers in smaller amounts, but had to bear with a daily cap. Sigh. And, one week later, my OCBC token arrived. How efficient. DBS token

2015-2018 net worth

I used to track my daily expenses daily. With every purchases, I'd keyed into google sheets. But as time goes, I got lazy. I figured there's no need for me to track it daily given that I'm disciplined with my outflows. In any case, I've never budgeted how much I should spend on food, transport, shopping etc. Hence, the daily expenses tracking actually don't serve much purpose. However, one thing that I continued to do, is to track my monthly assets/net worth. And they are broadly categorised as follow: Cash Savings FD Stocks CPF It feels good to see your money grow in the different pots and pinpoint which has the biggest growth. So here's presenting my annual net-worth growth since 2015: I'm not confident that I'll hit $400k in the next few months given that I'd be wiping out almost all my CPF for housing soon. Reno cost a bomb and furnitures and appliances will wipe out a chunk of my savings. My net worth will likely drop below