Maximising my $10,001 SRS top-up with Endowus

In my previous post, I blogged that I've finally set up my SRS....with DBS. While there was a hiccup i.e my SRS account was missing from ibanking page and app, it was resolved after a few days. No apologies from DBS - they just told me to rest assure that my $10k is intact. It better be.

Anyway, now that the issue is resolved and I finally have access to my SRS account number, I needed to maximise my SRS money.

As explained by this Seedly post, "you’ll need to invest your SRS funds in order to minimally beat inflation and grow that fund for your retirement." Their table also shows the list where you can park your funds. 

I'm not keen to use my SRS on bonds, ETF, FDs, REITS, shares as I already have these investments using my cash. I wanted my SRS to take a separate investment route and decided that robo-advisor was my best choice.

As such, I decided to sign up an account with Endowus.

Why Endowus

I shan't explain who/what Endowus is as you can google it. 

My reason on why I chose Endowus is briefly because they are the only platform so far that CPF allows our hard-earned OA to be invested. That naturally led me to assume that Endowus is endorsed and a trusted platform. Also, I read a few blogs that shared that their Endowus portfolio stood out better than other robo-advisors though past performances may not guarantee future success haha. 

Registration and Timeline

Signing up was a breeze via singpass. However, I felt the speed from setting up till my purchase is finalised is slow. Maybe I've been too used to crypto platforms sign-ups? Here's a sharing of the timeline:

- Signed up on a Fri 

- Received email to complete ABS-SAS e-learning and to upload the document. Submitted on the same day

- Received email on following Monday that the info has been received and they are working with UOB Kay Hian to process account opening. ETA 3-5 business day

- Received email on Wednesday that account is ready and immediately set up my 100% equity portfolio (see Next Step)

- Purchase of fund was only made on following Monday

- Account finally ready following Wednesday

Next Step

Since the Endowus account is ready, I logged in to enter my SRS account number. It's now time to decide the plan to maximise my SRS.

In my previous post, I mentioned about the DBS promotion. Under Condition 2, I will be able to receive $50 reward if I invest more than $10,000. As such, I've bumped up my SRS top-up to Endowus to $10,001.

It is also stated under para 7ii that eligible investments can be via any platforms.

I decided to create my own 100% equities portfolio since this is going to be long-term account. I will close two eyes to stomach the risks and fluctuations as the money will only see light 30 years later. 

As such, I've gone ahead to max out the $10,001 in one investing in Dimensional Fund (Global Core and Emerging Market). 

Why Dimensional

I don't have the capability to dish out solid financial analysis or advices. Neither do I have financially savvy friends to talk to. Which is why I have to read up and turn to online gurus. I'd just list the following links that helped me in my decision. You can make your own call.


Subsequent plan for investment + tax relief

I will be looking at maxing my SRS to $15,300 and do DCA in the years ahead till I stop working or up till $400k in SRS reached.

My aim is to withdraw my SRS come age 62 within the 10-year withdrawal period. That means, I will expect a cashflow from SRS from 62 to 72 years old. I will assume a $40k withdrawal a year on a $400k SRS portfolio (which $40k at age 62 may only be worth $18k today due to inflation)πŸ€”

Do note that withdrawal from SRS will incur tax on 50% of the withdraw sum (see here). But, with so many years down the road, who knows if the govt change the rules again πŸ€·I can only pray future policy changes are for the better, not worse.


If you are keen to embark on Endowus using your SRS, CPF OA or even cash, you may wish to use my link to enjoy $20 in Access Fee credit (equivalent to $10,000 advised free, assuming Access Fee of 0.40%).

As always, pls DYODD!


  1. Hi,
    You only opened DBS SRS account last week? Is it even still eligible since the promo only for first 4k customers (I presume ran out long ago)?

    1. I opened 2 weeks ago. You can try calling in to DBS to check if you're still eligible!


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