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2015-2018 net worth

I used to track my daily expenses daily. With every purchases, I'd keyed into google sheets. But as time goes, I got lazy. I figured there's no need for me to track it daily given that I'm disciplined with my outflows. In any case, I've never budgeted how much I should spend on food, transport, shopping etc. Hence, the daily expenses tracking actually don't serve much purpose. However, one thing that I continued to do, is to track my monthly assets/net worth. And they are broadly categorised as follow: Cash Savings FD Stocks CPF It feels good to see your money grow in the different pots and pinpoint which has the biggest growth. So here's presenting my annual net-worth growth since 2015: I'm not confident that I'll hit $400k in the next few months given that I'd be wiping out almost all my CPF for housing soon. Reno cost a bomb and furnitures and appliances will wipe out a chunk of my savings. My net worth will likely drop below