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Value buys - Affordable household items and cleaning gadgets

With a new house to maintain and now that we are coop up at home, I've been getting more domesticated ðŸ˜‚

While I was running through my household chores, I thought, why not share the appliances and items I use everyday?

P.S - not sponsored, but links below direct you to qoo10 where I purchase my items from.

Robot cleaner - Roborock S5

I've previously shared here that robot cleaner is a LIFE SAVER. 

For those who are going to move to a new house, please, get one. The one I'm using is Roborock S5 which has mopping function as well, though honestly, I don't find the mopping function good though cause it doesn't clean up much. But it does it's job sucking up all my long hair (LOL that my hubby kept complaining about seeing my hair all over. You guys don't see your hair cause it's short ok...) and keeping my floor clean from dust everyday. 

It's really helpful for us who work from 8am to 6pm. Even WFH gives me no time to do household chores or even cook as I'd be busy managing my work, my staff and replying to emails. I'd just set my robot cleaner to roam around the house every day at a fixed time!

I wouldn't call the roborock S5 very affordable since it has a price tag of $500+, but you can consider other brands. 

Filtered water - 3M tap

Instead of purchasing water dispenser that cost four digits sum, we figured to just install filtered tap. As and when I need water, I'll just on the tap for drinking water - although PUB says our tap water is safe to drink, but I'll still prefer my filtered water haha

Cost: $300-$500 depending on which model you invest in

Instant hot water dispenser - Viomi Dispenser

I love drinking warm water, so it helps to purchase a dispenser that allows temperature control. Also, this comes in handy when I want to make hot beverages - no need to boil water via the kettle!

Cost: $70-$120 depending on size

Bed vacuum - Deerma handheld CM800 

I reckon other than washing bedsheets, most people neglect cleaning their mattresses. Do you know we shed skin every hour? Go google. Given that we lay in our bed everyday, we ought to suck out all these dirt and dust. 

I am using the Deerma handheld vacuum and it's touted to be able to remove dust-mites. The vibration is really strong, and I do see a lot of dust being sucked. Only thing I dislike is it's weight, as it is relatively heavy for me. My husband finds it easy to use though. We use this to suck our fabric sofa as well.

Cost: $45-$50.

Sofa steamer/floor mop to kill germs - Deerma ZQ610

I bought this at the start of the virus pandemic, as I was looking out for gadgets to eliminate germs from my sofa. We usually plonk ourselves onto our fabric sofa once we return home and there were a few times where I felt itches after sitting on the sofa. Hence, other than using the deerma handheld CM800 to suck out dust-mites, I also use the deerma steamer to run through the sofa. I can't guarantee germs will be killed, but it does give me some peace of mind since most germs would die after exposure with heat.

I also use the machine to mop the floor. Instead of the traditional mop and soaking it with dettol, I felt using steam to clean the floor would be more effective in killing germs.

Downside of this is also it's weight! I can't carry it for too long, otherwise...hand pain sia. Also, the water runs out pretty fast, so I gotta top up water when I clean each room.

It can also be used to clean your kitchen stove and toilet bowl (google for the uses), but I haven't tried it yet. I find it gross to use on toilet bowl leh...

Cost: Around $80. I bought at ~$70 after discount :P


Hope the above sharing is useful for all coop up at home, and especially for those who are moving to their new homes soon!

Do share valued buys with me as well!

Meanwhile, stay safe!


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