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Foul day at my new workplace

Hi guys. I wanted to blog only after I'm settled down at work and with my life event but I needed an outlet to complain and release my pent-up unhappiness.

So, I mentioned that I've changed job. I'm still adjusting myself and enjoying my honeymoon stage since I'm new, though it's not like I'm not working la...just that in comparison to others who worked longer, my full load hasn't come in yet. I'm lying low for now given that I've my wedding to prep for.

Within these few weeks here, I've some thoughts on this job and here goes:

The Good

  • Higher monthly salary than before albeit just a few hundreds more (better than staying put...)
  • Cheaper transport than before (~$1 saving/day)
  • Don't need to bring work home FOR NOW
  • More capable bosses and seemingly, their Senior Management than before

The Bad

  • Not much increase in annual package given that my bonuses were more at my previous job
  • Everyone else work like sh* bosses sends emails from 2am-4am
  • Nice boss is just temporary. Turns out, there'll be a new boss taking over
  • More capable bosses also mean they expect a lot more from you. I used to be a big fish in a small pond. Now, I'm just a tiny fish in the ocean.
  • Colleagues are not as simple or kind-hearted 
Anyway, on what pissed me off today....I got a complaint at work. The moment I saw the email, I already went - oh shit... It just spoilt my mood given that I had to entertain her complain and apologise (actually I was angry because I was following protocol, yet I do understand her concerns though the way she puts it seems so self-entitled). I was upset the whole morning. And it doesn't end. I got another complain from her in the afternoon. All I could do was just keep quiet, listen to her rant, apologise and then thank her at the end of the call. I useless? I just didn't dare to be firm and tell her what I did was in accordance to policy and she has no right to demand I seek her consent for every step?

And then it got me thinking again. 

This is the rat race everyone talks about. If I want to escape these miseries, I need to get out.

The problem is, other than trying to save money, and making more savvy $ choices, I'm really bad at investment front. I haven't had the time to monitor the stock market during office hours...and this is the state of my investment with a cost yield of 6%

By the time I reach home, I'm exhausted. Of course, it was way worse in my previous job, but let's just say I'm only having a honeymoon period now. I just don't have much time to "enjoy life". That's when I look forward to weekends, but if it gets burnt by work....gosh, that's when I question why I'm working so tirelessly

The above is rather incoherent, but it serves as an outlet and reflection for me to just take some time out and think deeper about why I do certain things. 

If my goal is to be happy yet self-sufficient, I better get working towards this goal.

Till then!


  1. Hi, I think as long as we have done our work based on established protocol and with positive intention, we have done our part and standing on firm ground. We can't make everyone happy. Wish you the best and press on towards your goals!

  2. Hope you are feeling better now. In my work, I get complaints from clients too (even though it wasn't my fault). Tends to get me down, but I always tell myself: it is just another day's work, another day's pay.

    Keep moving forward.


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