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The things I look forward to

It's mid Nov.

How time flies. I remember celebrating Xmas in the office not long ago and exchanging gifts. It's going to be another Xmas soon.

In the past 11 months, I don't think I've made much significant achievements. But as I squeeze my brain cells hard, I recalled achieving my goal of having $100k cash at 25. I recalled that I was proposed to, but hey, no progress in terms of marriage/wedding. I recalled that I took on a new portfolio and am not liking it very much. I recalled spending a lot of money on my SC Singpost, Manhattan and BOC Family card just to chalk up rebates, and am now at the stage where I barely spent much - I didn't even spend anything on 11.11. I recalled getting a good performance bonus, and will probably not get this grade in the future. I recalled crying in office and back home because of mistakes, criticisms and stress. I recalled the quarrels with my fiance because I felt that he does not care about my feelings and even thought of calling it quits. I recalled stressing myself about competition - the need to get married early, have a flat before 28, have kids before 30. I recalled feeling unhappy when I hear or see people progressing faster in life.

But I had to think hard about what happened in the past year. Perhaps these are nothing too significant to care about? For the good things that had happened to me, I'm glad and proud. For the bad, I'm glad I emerged unharmed. I'm still alive and kicking, how bad can those things get? I need to stay mentally strong, resilient and adaptable. In life, more shit will come, and like before, I'll be okay.

With just 1 more month to the end of 2016, I'll like to list out the things I look forward to in the next 6 months. These are:

  1. Scoring a BTO (would it be 4th time lucky?)
  2. If it fails, get a resale
  3. Getting my end year bonus
  4. Getting my increment
  5. Getting my performance bonus
  6. Take a leap of faith and get a new job 
  7. Bringing my family overseas or on cruise
  8. CNY FD promos
  9. CNY angbaos
  10. STRIKING $1m TOTO - one can dream right? Strike a bit can liao :P

With these verbal vomit, I'm off to dream.

Good night.


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