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Inching close to $200k stocks portfolio value. Free Disney stock for new Tiger Brokers holders

I had a few goals set (see left panel of my blog). 

Some were unattainable, some came to fruition by time, effort and perhaps, luck.

My newest goal was to hit $200k stocks portfolio value this year. 

It took me 7 years to start investing proper. I used to be a mega saver. The pic below was my cash savings milestone. I think I did a great job in saving those amount! I mean, $300k cash at pretty crazy. I even set a goal to save $600k by 35.

But I got woke. 

I needed my money to work better. I saved through employment but I don't wish to be tied down by my job. I aim to stop working at 40. How I wished I started my investing journey earlier so I can quit now. 

It was through Tiger Brokers that made investing easier to access foreign markets PLUS it is cheaper.

I no longer have $300k cash. In fact, I'm trying to reduce it to $100k cash - and pile the rest into the market.

As of today, I'm hitting close to $200k portfolio across Tiger Brokers and my CDP. Honestly, my CDP made up of SG stocks is dragging me down. The excitement happens within my Tiger app haha!

Update on Tiger Brokers portfolio

Here's a look at my portfolio value in Tiger. That's a good SGD$13k paper gains :) 

If I had kept the money in the banks, I wouldn't be able to see such gains.

This experience further reinforces the need to invest, and it has been an interesting journey riding the waves in the market!

Referral (shameless plug)

If you are keen to kickstart your investment journey, Tiger Brokers is now dangling better sign up bonus (yay to competition🐮!)

They are now offering:

  • 60 commission free trades within 180 days (instead of 5 when I signed up!!!)
  • 500 tiger coins which is a recent concept where you can exchange coins for stock vouchers (this isn't the most attractive perk)
  • And the best of all, ONE FREE DISNEY SHARE if you deposit SGD$2,000 (seems to be fighting with moomoo which offered Apple stock)

If you are keen to receive the free Disney share and use Tiger Brokers , kindly use my referral link, or scan the QR code to sign up😊 


  1. Do not know how many more years you have in your working life. In any case, it would be prudent to have more cash in the wallet when the current situation is really bad. Just my thot.


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