USD110 profit from Tesla in 5 days and Standing by $100k for stocks deployment

As mentioned in my previous posts, I am now diversifying out to foreign stocks via Tiger Brokers. My beginner's guide to setting up Tiger Brokers Tiger Brokers National Day Promo and virgin purchase of foreign stocks Pumping SGD$28k in HKEX and SGX the past 10 days and Fee comparison between DBS Vickers and Tiger Brokers Within 1-2 months of account opening, I had pumped in SGD$40k in HK, US and local stocks. As I mentioned in my previous post, there are some merits of using Tiger Brokers to buy SG stocks due to the lower fees - the only thing is it's not stored in my CDP, which I'm fine with. On HK stocks, within just 1 week of my purchase (yup, I pumped money within a span of 2 days), the value has fallen and I'm sitting on ~SGD$3k losses. USD110 profit from Tesla in 5 days For US stocks, the volatility of their market makes trading exciting and scary. When I bought Tesla at $395, it went down to $340. And the following day, it rose up to $428. I wanted to test out ...