Money Saving tip: Don't throw away your mandarin orange peels!
Happy Lunar New Year! With mandarin oranges being one of the core items that you bring along for house visiting, I'm sure you'd have at least a pair of oranges in your house. Other than eating it, how about making the full use of this amazing fruit by saving the peels? It's environmentally and pocket ($) friendly. FYI, these works well for any citrus peels :) Here's what you can do with your peels: 1. Make it with tea You could either dry it like how the video does, or just pour hot water on freshly peeled skin 2. Use it as a air freshener Boil the peels in hot water to help freshen the air in the kitchen and pour it into a spritz. 3. Make candies 4. Put it into green or red bean soup Add zest to your dessert with these mandarin peels! My parents do that to give the soup extra taste :) 5. Make an all-purpose toxic free cleansing agent Lastly, my personal favourite for kitchen use. For those families who whipped up many dishes over the...