2020 - the year I start investing proper. Sold SATS, Tesla going strong and earning $970 from stocks
Back in late Oct, I blogged about my reflections on building a 6 digits portfolio. It took me 7 years to finally starting investing proper as I've always been trying to accumulate cash and park it in savings account giving me ~2-3% interest. It was with sheer diligence and discipline that I amassed $300k in Aug. My cash savings has since gone down as I started deploying cash into the market. Covid as an impetus to invest When Covid hit and the market started to turn south, I attempted to "invest". I bought SATS back in Mar when things were starting to get shaky. Not very smart since things went downhill after I bought it. I bought SIA during then too, at a high of $7+ đŸ˜‰interesting lessons Long story short, I've since sold my SATS stocks after it hit a 6 mths high. Sold it at $4.35 earning around $230. Not a bad 5% dividend considering I held it for less than a year. I couldn't fathom why the stock went up when situation still seem bleak. Good that I sold it as...