11.11 itchy fingers and Alibaba stock

I didn't plan to buy anything on 11.11 because I didn't have anything to buy.

I did jot down a few items but didn't plan it like how I did one year ago

Back in 2019 11.11, I actually saved around $750 bucks but also blew $5.5k in a single day. HAHA! But at least that was for my new house.

Despite having "nothing much to buy", I still browsed through taobao and carted a few items. Suddenly it turned midnight. With a swipe/refresh, my cart items were now heavily discount  πŸ€‘

I just couldn't resist to press BUY.

With 4 items in cart, I saved around 120 rmb (equivalent SGD$24). Beyond this savings, equivalent items sold in Singapore were probably x2-x3 more expensive.

And that's why I love taobao #cheapdeals

Despite Ant IPO falling through, I couldn't resist buying Alibaba stocks during the dip. Look at this record for 2020 11.11! Glad to be part of this although my purchases were meagre $ compared to others πŸ˜‚

And, I'm officially a shareholder of Alibaba HK. My purchase was done fuss free via Tiger Brokers. I can't emphasis how simple it is for me to make my foreign stocks purchases.

I'm currently sitting on 9,384.97 HKD profits inclusive of my Alibaba purchase. Below snapshot came from Stockscafe which I'm using to track my transactions (kudos to the founder for creating this site)! 

Tiger Brokers Referral

If you are keen to use Tiger Brokers and you'd like to receive stock vouchers to offset your stocks purchases, kindly use my referral link (click link) and/or enter code (SBSL8) or scan the QR code to sign up😊I will receive stock vouchers depending on how much you have topped up for your first deposit.

A top up of $30,000 (instead of $30,001 previously) will grant you a $100 stock voucher to offset your purchase. Do note that the stock voucher is only given for the FIRST top-up. So you may want to think carefully how much first deposit you'd like to put in.

I've already done so for my husband, who is super passive. He wants to be rich but does nothing to make it happenπŸ™„Did a $30k deposit and received $100 stock voucher! Better strike when the promo is ongoing since we aren't sure when this stock voucher rewards will end.

Lastly, you may wish to read link on how to set up your account!


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