11.11 itchy fingers and Alibaba stock
I didn't plan to buy anything on 11.11 because I didn't have anything to buy. I did jot down a few items but didn't plan it like how I did one year ago . Back in 2019 11.11, I actually saved around $750 bucks but also blew $5.5k in a single day. HAHA! But at least that was for my new house. Despite having "nothing much to buy", I still browsed through taobao and carted a few items. Suddenly it turned midnight. With a swipe/refresh, my cart items were now heavily discount 🤑 I just couldn't resist to press BUY. With 4 items in cart, I saved around 120 rmb (equivalent SGD$24). Beyond this savings, equivalent items sold in Singapore were probably x2-x3 more expensive. And that's why I love taobao #cheapdeals Despite Ant IPO falling through, I couldn't resist buying Alibaba stocks during the dip. Look at this record for 2020 11.11! Glad to be part of this although my purchases were meagre $ compared to others 😂 And, I'm officially a shareholder of ...